Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Might God Do?

I have a book that a friend gave me called, Letters of a Modern Mystic by Frank C. Laubach. He was a missionary on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines, who labored in relative obscurity until he began an experiment with God after his 46th birthday. The book is a compilation of letters written primarily to his earthly father about his desire to live in the continual presence of his Heavenly Father. This desire to transcend the physical and be continually attentive to the spiritual is what led to him being called a Modern Mystic, and literally launched him on the road to world changing significance (check out his bio on wikipedia).

I have been reviewing his book as we get ready for the Revolution. We launch formally on 1.31.10. I can't wait. If you are serious about becoming a fully devoloping follower of Christ then you need to commit to being a part. It is going to be a fabulous experience as we lead people through the same sort of disciplines that Frank Laubach embraced as he sought to fully experience God.

As I was rereading his book the other day, I came across a prayer that he prayed that has challenged me. The heart of the prayer is this:

God, what would you put in my mind today if only I were large enough to handle it?

In other words, what would God give me if my faith was large enough to receive it? What does God see that I could see, if I truly had His perspective? What might God do with me, if I had the faith to fully cooperate?

I challenge you to open your heart to the possibilities. Make Rev. Laubach's prayer your prayer, and follow God's lead.